Article, Entrepreneurship, Featured

Featured: The Success-preneur.

Article by Harshvardhan Singh

Success is like a fruit it doesn’t come to anyone overnight it need continue effort and hard work to acquire it. But working hard is not enough to bring it.It needs more than that to be a successful chap; recent college grads increasingly build side businesses in addition to whatever full-time job they are able to land. Those businesses included freelance work, eBay shops, tutoring, baking and Web design. People in their 30s and beyond are also embracing the trend to increase their income and financial security.

The most successful entrepreneurs, from the baker who launched his own custom cake business to the bookstore manager who decided she’d be better off launching her own coaching business, tend to share some common traits:

Desire: They know exactly what motivates them, and it often starts with a big loss or other major event in their lives.
Specialized Knowledge: They choose entrepreneurial pursuits that line up with longstanding passions, interests and skills. Entrepreneurs thrive when their business plays off their existing skills, talents and interests– choosing a business that leverages those is the first step to success.
Organized Planning: They minimize their expenses in both their professional and personal lives, while finding ways to invest in their venture.
Inspiration: They rely heavily on online communities of similarly minded people to seek innovation and get inspiration.
Faith: They actively and shamelessly promote their brands through social media and other grassroots marketing efforts.
Decisions and Management: They master time management strategies that enable them to maintain full-time jobs along with their side ventures.
Persistence: They find ways to be resilient in the face of inevitable setbacks.
Sustainability and Coexistence: As their businesses grow, they support other small shops and start-ups by outsourcing tasks, which further enhances their own businesses, and often find other ways to give back as well.
Peace of Mind: They derive a deep sense of financial security and fulfilment from their businesses, far beyond money.

If you’re ready to launch your own side gig– to save you from financial fear and frustration, to make you more secure and wealthy, and to give you a sense of satisfaction and personal accomplishment beyond what you get from your main source of employment– then consider applying these strategies to your own life.

You’ll be building the economy of your own.
